About Us


Navigate the complex world of AI Law, Governance, Risk and Compliance with confidence and precision. Our AI legal, governance, risk and compliance consultants are dedicated to providing you with top tier advice, strategic guidance, and a constant flow of up to date resources to help you stay abreast of the latest regulations and to help help you progress your AI Governance, Risk and Compliance programmes. We understand the unique challenges posed by the ever changing AI legal & regulatory landscape and we've established ourselves as a leading authority in navigating this terrain. With us, you can rest assured knowing that your best interests are always at the heart of our decisions – contact us today and discover just how much we can help you!


Our Team (Yes We're actual people, and not AI Bots!)

Our team is comprised of experienced AI legal, governance, risk and compliance professionals who provide a comprehensive AI legal, governance, risk and compliance consultancy service. We specialise in providing guidance and support from start to finish in order to ensure the highest standards of client satisfaction. Our team works collaboratively, utilising their collective expertise and knowledge for each individual case.


Ryan Mackie MBA, LLB, FIP, CIPP/E, CIPM & EuroPrivacy Implementer

Data Protection,Cyber & AI Legal, Governance, Risk & Compliance Expert

In addition to working as an outsourced DPO, Data Protection, AI and Cyber Security Lawyer, Ryan's role as Lead Consultant (in AI Legal, Governance, Risk & Compliance) is to help help clients:

(1) understand the proposed implications of the draft EU AI Act and to identify & formulate appropriate risk management & compliance management frameworks;

(2) design and implement a programme to manage any risks associated with the rapid implementation of AI in their businesses and work places;

(3) to help them to conduct meaningful assessments/ audits to assess any inherent risks associated with using those AI and autonomous systems under the proposed EU AI Act and any proposed UK regulation in this area.

+352 661 747477


Gilbert Hill, CIPM 

Privacy Technologist, Consultant AI Governance, Risk & Compliance

Privacy technologist, entrepreneur and speaker. Previously Chief Strategy Officer at Pool Data and CEO at Tapmydata, and he now advise brands, boards and blockchain projects on data strategy and execution as a NED. He is also an Industry Commissioner to the UK's Data & Marketing Regulator. 

After a career in Finance, Gilbert founded Optanon, a pioneering software product in the PrivTech sector, and Cookiepedia, knowledge base for consumer tracking on the Web - acquired by OneTrust. 

Gilbert is also Chair of the Responsible Marketing Committee for the DMA, having previously Chaired the Mobile & Connected Council, and he is currently a member of the UK Regulators & AI working group, chaired by the ICO.

+44 7768 590652


Christine Laut (External Associate) - CEO of Safe AI Now

Lead Consultant Data Governance, AI Risk Management and Compliance

Christine works with clients (via AI-CyberPriv or via her own business Safe AI Now) to help them realise that AI presents opportunities to improve both business and societal outcomes when risks are managed responsibly; and by helping organisations to learn, govern and monitor Responsible AI with proven maturity assessments, actionable steps and data driven evidence.

Christine works with executives and specifically, IT providers, Fintech, CDO, data scientists, compliance, legal, audit, procurement, HR and risk managers to level up AI and operationalise Responsible AI

+352 661 747477